
Showing posts from November, 2019

A Little Bit of Time Can Go a Long Way....

I absolutely love it when students reach out to me with questions, ideas, or invitations to events or learning opportunities. Whether it be a journalism student writing an article about inclement weather and snow make-up days or a middle school group of students practicing presentations for legislative advocacy, I treasure moments in which I can engage with students and their learning. What is even more of a bucket filler is their gratitude after these moments. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss having my own classroom (my last teaching position was 15 years ago), so I always feel like moments with students is almost selfish...their questions, discoveries, and suggestions pronounce our purpose, which fills me with joy. So, when they send beautiful notes of gratitude, I can't help but think a little bit of my time went a long way--for both the student and for me. 'Tis the theme of this blog...please know a little bit of time can make a big difference in stu...

Cedar Rapids--You Made It Happen for Kids!

Last voting day, Tuesday evening, November 5th, I watched the results of our election process on television and websites like many others in our community. I was reminded of what a tremendous privilege it is to be in a country where the democratic process is alive, in a state which develops systems and designs for local needs and elections, and a school district with an engaged community of which eight members took an act of courage and put their names on the ballot to run for school board. Our district had over 10,000 voters cast ballots during this election. Of those ballots, 62% of voters supported the Revenue Purpose Statement, which was a continuation of the use of funds in order to support facilities, technology, and other structural costs for our district. Kingston Stadium's new field, track, and bleachers are an example of how we have used these funds. Summer projects for our buildings and grounds crew, like new tiling and floors at Erskine Elementary, or new bathroom...