What does it mean to be "Uncommon?"

Kennedy High School's athletic director, Aaron Stecker, asked me to be the keynote speaker at their student leadership retreat event on Tuesday, October 29th. KHS has embraced the theme, "Be Uncommon" to define what it means to be a Cougar. According to Dictionary.com, "What does it mean to be uncommon? est. not common; unusual; rare: an uncommon word. unusual in amount or degree; above the ordinary: an uncommon amount of mail. exceptional; remarkable." Exceptional. Remarkable. Wow...what does it mean when we witness something exceptional or remarkable? Something that we would not expect, and it captures our hearts so quickly that we almost lose our breath? There are posts on Facebook or Twitter that appear to fit the "uncommon" definition: two toddlers running to each other on the sidewalk to embrace or a group of soccer players huddling around an opponent on the field to help her. My question is, how many moments of "uncommon"...